For many, if not most, folks, the process has become tiresome and it seems like people are fighting over things to just fight. After all, most people do not end up buying/selling land or building subdivisions so this shouldn't effect them, should it?
For those actively engaged in the public debate the sentiment ranges from wanting our building and planning departments to be fully involved in all projects, no matter how small, to an even greater degree than the proposed new law covers. The other end of the spectrum have those who feel that public planning and zoning violates their belief that government should play the absolute least possible role in the lives of the citizenry.
Is this debate largely philosophical? ---or---
Are there day to day planning and zoning issues that effect average people?
Should our local government, by means of Code Enforcement of new and existing Zoning and Planning Law, regulate things like...
- my neighbor had a bulldozer come in, they cleared off and paved over a huge area for his work yard, and now, every time it rains, even a little, their water flows right into my yard, what should I do?
- I have over an acre, does it really matter where I place my septic tank with respect to my neighbor's well and visa versa?
- why should anyone care about my chimney height for my fireplace, wood burning stove, corn, coal, biomass or pellet furnace?
- we're going to just drain off that mostly swampy field and put in a trailer for my mother in law or my cousin's family or maybe I'll just rent it out?
- I am going to build a 4 story tall concrete castle and paint it hot pink. I don't care what my hick neighbors think because that's what I like and I can afford it?
- what's the problem, I really, really, really like dogs so every time I see one who is lost, I bring it home and take real good care of it?
- if I own the land, the trees and even the bulldozers, I should be allowed to cut as many trees as I want, whenever I want, and sell them to whoever I want, right?
- my neighbor's son used to play around with cars in the driveway. Now, he's older, his hobby has turned into a business and he has all sorts of power tools and engines running really late at night, is there anything I can do to get some peace and quiet?
- wind power is good for the environment and I was told that Central Hudson even pays you for your extra electricity, so I am going to start out with a couple of those big white wind turbines and see how it goes, OK?
- my new neighbor, from the city, just put up security lights, as if they live in Fort Knox. I work real hard and used to be able to come home, go out back, pop open a cold one and just watch the stars. This new guy has ruined this with his lights, is there anything I can do?
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