Sunday, October 21, 2007

What We Got Here is a Failure to Communicate

After several e-mail letters and a few phone calls some candidates refuse to provide this blog with Biographical Information etc. Please see election coverage Page #1 - Presenting - The Candidates.

I, personally, have made up my mind and know whom I am voting for. I could spend all day writing about why the candidates I happen to support are good choices. However, from it's inception, as I have defined it, my personal point of view is not the subject of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for constructive information to be shared between people who have an interest in the local election in the Town of Rochester.

Because we have only received input from candidates of a single major political party, we are faced with a dilemma.

After thinking about it, candidates who refuse to answer simple questions to a local blog are sending out a loud message about how much they respect all members of our community and especially the readers of this blog, who, at last glance, based on the number of hits, have been busy reading what we have presented. Therefore, we have decided to go forward with questions and hopefully the candidates will respect the readers of this blog enough to answer us.

We need your input. Please take a few moments to post some of the questions you would like the candidates to respond to. Please let us know if you would like the Supervisor, Town Council or Town Justice Candidates to answer.

Regardless of whether some candidates post their information or not, we will ask them your questions. The first question has just been sent out - look for the results on Thursday.

Please use the comment button to post your thoughts and questions anonymously. YES, ANONYMOUSLY, just like in the voting booth.

Presenting - The Candidates

Moderator's Note : We look forward to publishing bio's and profiles from any candidate who may have missed the previous deadline. Please use the e-mail button to contact me and/or click my name to send in your information. TOR2007 --click to e-mail.

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